April 13, 2023 - Last Updated

Over 1000 singers from around the world travelled to Powell River to sing together July 5th to 9th. The Richmond Singers were invited to join choirs from China, New Zealand, Austria, South Africa, many parts of the United States and British Columbia to study new music and perform their own songs. In addition to a final mass concert on July 9th each choir performed three or four smaller concerts throughout the week at various church and community facilities. The Richmond Singers were fortunate to sing with the boys’ choir from Wah Yan college Kowloon, China who won the competitive portion of the event. The shared impromptu singing in hallways, parks, restaurants; the camaraderie with fellow singers and the joy of singing will be remembered for years to come. New affiliations and future concerts were planned. It was truly a wonderful experience.

Log Driver's Waltz with The Richmond Singers, Sweet Scarlet and Nova Voce

The Parting Glass with the Richmond Singers and Sweet Scarlet at Kathaumixw

Kathaumixw Spirit Square with Richmond Singers and Wah Yan College Kowloon Boys Choir